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Tastevin API Conventions

Required information

To use the Tastevin API, your application must supply two pieces of information: a version header and an API key.

Version Header

The version header is passed as a HTTP header to your request. The client name of this header is X-TASTEVIN-VERSION, and its value is the version of the Tastevin API that your application will use. The only version currently available is 1.2, so the value of the X-TASTEVIN-VERSION header must be '1.2' on all requests to the Tastevin API. Failure to supply the required header, or asking for a version that is not available, will result in a 412 status code on the response.


All requests to the Tastevin API must be authenticated by an API key. This key should be passed as a querystring variable with the name api_key. You can determine your account's API key by logging on to your Tastevin portal account. The key is located at the top of your Dashboard:

Failure to supply an API key, or supplying an invalid API key, will result in a 412 status code on the response.

Optional information

Your application may supply two additional pieces of information: a Tastevin iOS Version and a UDID.

Tastevin IOS Version

The Tastevin iOS version is passed as a HTTP header to your request. The name of this header is X-TASTEVIN-IOS-VERSION and it should be a version string from the Tastevin application such as "4.5 (80)".


The device unique identifier is passed as a HTTP header to your request. The name of this header is X-CID and it is an arbitrary string that must be unique across all devices.

Return Values

All data is returned in JSON.