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The menus API retrieves a list of menus for an account.


  • api_key (string) Required - The API key for the account
  • last_updated_at (datetime) Optional - If this parameter is supplied, only the items whose last edited date is after the supplied date and time will be returned. The parameter should be formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" and will be interpreted as a UTC date and time value.


The menus API returns a JSON array of menu objects. Each member of the array includes these attributes:

  • id (integer) - Unique identifier.
  • updated_at (datetime) - The date that this menu was last edited.
  • created_at (datetime) - The initial date that this menu was created.
  • priority (int) - A number assigned to a menu to help clients determine which menu to show when using an automatic menu rotation algorithm on a billboard button. 1 is the highest priority.
  • title (string) - The name of the menu
  • subtitle (string) - Second line of menu name
  • weekday_start_time (string) - possibly null attribute that represents a 24-hour datetime string as to when a menu should start. Must be a 4-character string in the range "0000" to "2400" to be valid.
  • weekday_end_time (string) - Same format as weekday_start_time. Must compare strictly greater-than to weekday_start_time.
  • weekend_start_time (string) - Same format and semantics as weekday_start_time
  • weekend_end_time (string) - Same format and semantics as weekday_end_time
  • status (integer) - The current status of the menu. A value of 0 indicates an active menu. A value of 1 indicates a deleted menu.

Notes for Start and End time support

Start and End times are only supported on clients on v90 of the Tastevin iOS app or higher. The weekday_start_time, weekday_end_time, weekend_start_time, and weekend_end_time attributes will not be parsed by clients on a lower version.

Sample Request

Sample Response

  "menus": [
      "id": 1234,
      "updated_at": "2012-06-14T21:33:07-07:00",
      "created_at": "2011-10-11T07:26:28-07:00",
      "priority": 1,
      "weekday_start_time": "1800",
      "weekday_end_time": "2200",
      "weekend_start_time": "1700",
      "weekend_end_time": "2400",
      "title": "Dinner Menu",
      "subtitle": nil,
      "status": 0
      "id": 1235,
      "updated_at": "2012-06-14T21:33:07-07:00",
      "created_at": "2011-10-11T07:26:28-07:00",
      "priority": 2,
      "weekday_start_time": "1900",
      "weekday_end_time": "2200",
      "weekend_start_time": "1800",
      "weekend_end_time": "2400",
      "title": "Dessert Menu",
      "subtitle": nil,
      "status": 0