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The product_list_sections API retrieves a list of configuration objects that allows clients to display section-based information in the left-side dropdown of a product list.


  • api_key (string) Required - The API key for the account


The product_list_sections API returns a JSON array of configuration objects. Each object has attributes:

  • asc (boolean) - Whether or not we should sort the displayed items in ascending order. Assumed true if not provided
  • attribute (int) - An attribute flag representing the attribute on which to derive sections from. See the "Attribute Flags" section below.
  • id (int) - A unique identifier for this section description
  • icon (int) - An identifier from the icons API telling the client which icon to display on the toplevel button. May be null.
  • ordinal (int) - The relative order (displayed from left-to-right) of this section
  • product_list_id (int) - The ID of the product_list to which this configuration applies
  • preset (object) - an object specifying use of a preset sectioning algorithm. If this is set to a non-null value, the "sections" attribute above is ignored.
  • title (string) - The text to display on the toplevel button. This must be defined, and must be 12 characters or less.

Product List Section Contraints

There can be at most 4 product_sections to a single product_list, giving a total of 5 sections (1 default "house list" section and 4 configured sections).

Atribute Flags

These flags map to a single attribute of a product retrieved via the product_list_groups API.

The sectioning behaviour is as follows:

    1. the product list is broken into sections by wine_color
    1. for each wine_color section, the product list is arranged in lexicographic order if the attribute value is a string, and by the "ordinal" property if the attribute value is an object

The defined flags are:

  • 1 - title
  • 2 - subtitle_1
  • 3 - subtitle_2
  • 4 - subtitle_3
  • 5 - subtitle_4
  • 6 - price
  • 7 - rating_source
  • 8 - rating_value
  • 9 - units (ordered by lowest ordinal in units array)

Section Presets

Each preset is represented by an object with attributes:

  • id (int) - the unique of the preset sectioning algorithm to use
  • values (array) - an array of threshold values representing boundaries to break the sections into

Preset Flags and Associated Values (Examples only. The values below are meant to illustrate the idea)

  • 1 - Sort by price. The threshold values represent the price bands. The display format will always be: " " Where will be a series of concatenated "$" strings. ie: "$$" for price band 2, "$$$" for price band 3.

Sample Request

Sample Response

The following generates 2 buttons in the dropdown: * one that sorts the beverages "by price", having subsections which are clearly defined. * one that represents a single section, where items are draw from the beverage region, and sorted by the beverage region names as well.

  "product_list_sections": [
      "product_list_id": 12,
      "id": 1,
      "icon": 3,
      "ordinal": 1,
      "title": "by price",
      "preset": {
        "id": 1,
        "values": [ 10,20,30,50 ]

      "product_list_id": 12,
      "icon": 5,
      "title": "by region",
      "asc": true,
      "ordinal": 2,
      "items": 4,
      "attribute": 2